English language arts
Balanced Argument Example
An example of a balanced argument - used to deconstruct the key features.
Adverb and synonyms for 'said' word mats
Two word mats (for different ability). Half shows a variety of adverbs and the other half shows a variety of synonyms for the word 'said'. Used in year 3 class for narrative writing.
Book Cover Activity
After discussion the front cover of Varjak Paw children identified what they definitely knew, what they might know and what questions they could ask based on the cover only. Easily adapted for any book. Used with year 5 class.
Persuasive Letter Example
An example of a persuasive letter used to deconstruct the key features. Based on Greek Mythology - Zeus/Pandora
Useful phrases for balanced arguments
Children stuck this small sheet into their workbook to encourage the use of appropriate language when writing a balanced argument.
Non-Chronological Report Example
Example of a non-chronological report based on the hydra from Herakles to link to Ancient Greece topic - used to deconstruct key features.
Persuasive Letter Planning Template
Planning template for children writing a persuasive letter.
Useful phrases for Non-Chronological Report
Useful phrases for writing a non-chronological report - children stuck into workbooks to encourage use within their writing.
Past and Present Tense Worksheet
Children to identify the tense a sentence is written in and then rewrite the sentence in the opposite tense.
Sentences based on the children's novel Varjak Paw.
Balanced argument planning template
Worksheet for planning a balanced argument - used for the story of Varjak Paw but can easily be altered.
Diary Entry (Varjak Paw)
An example of a diary entry based on the children's novel 'Varjak Paw' - used to deconstruct the key features.
Publishing Work Template
Boarder and title space for publishing written work.
Thought Bubbles
Children used these thought bubbles to write a character's thoughts within a freeze frame they created.
Non-Chronological Report Planning Template
Children planned a non-chronological report (about winged horses) using this format. Easily adapted for a report on just about anything.